
When you choose a bag from Faye Parker Brady, you're choosing quality. All materials are carefully selected and sourced from Europe. Close to home and responsibly produced, with attention to the environment.

Premium leather

Most of Faye Parker Brady's bags are made from high-quality leather sourced from various wholesalers and tanneries in Europe. Depending on the type of bag, specific types of leather are chosen, such as goat leather, cowhide, or calf leather, sourced from countries like France and Italy.

Leather is a pleasure to work with, has a refined appearance, and stays beautiful for a long time. It has a soft character, a structured but smooth surface, and comes in many different, vibrant colors.

The kinds of leather used for the bags

Goat leather is particularly suitable for bags that need to remain "standing" firm. For other bags, cowhide and calf leather are used. This leather is known for its softness and flexibility.

By purchasing leather directly from renowned European tanneries, I can offer you the high quality I stand for.


In the design of the bags, you’ll often find the fabric jute. Jute is a beautiful and durable material, and it has less environmental impact compared to other textiles.


The hardware truly completes a bag. I will select only the best materials for you. Most of the hardware is available in black, silver, or gold and is sourced from a trusted supplier in the Netherlands. For an even more exclusive look, it's also possible to import hardware directly from countries like Italy.

Natural Product

Leather is a natural material that breathes and stretches. Each hide has unique characteristics, such as wrinkles, pores, folds, discolorations, and variations in the grain pattern. With use, the leather will change: it becomes softer, smoother, and may even change color. With proper care and attention, your bag will only look more beautiful over time! When you purchase a bag from me, I will provide you with all the information about daily use and the care of your product.

Tips for Daily Use

Want to enjoy your bag to the fullest every day? Be careful when wearing leather in combination with dark-colored clothing, especially jeans. Dark clothing or jeans can transfer dye onto light-colored leather, a process known as "color transfer," which can leave permanent stains on the leather. To prevent color transfer, try these tips:

  • Protect your leather with a leather protector. This is a spray-on or wipe-on product that helps prevent color transfer.
  • Avoid wearing dark-colored clothing or jeans in combination with light-colored leather.
  • Remove any stains immediately. Gently wipe the stain with a clean, dry cloth, and then apply a leather cleaner or conditioner.

Leather Care

Leather is a durable material that, with the right care, can last for many years. Here are a few tips to help maintain and care for your favorite bag:

  • Protect your bag from water and moisture. Water can damage the leather, making it stiff and brittle. If your bag gets wet, gently blot the moisture with a clean, dry cloth and let it air dry. Avoid using heat or direct sunlight.
  • Store your bag in a cool, dry place. Avoid damp areas such as basements, sheds, or attics.
  • Clean your bag regularly to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on the leather surface. Use a soft, dry cloth for this.
  • Condition your bag. Over time, leather can become dry and brittle, especially when exposed to sunlight or heat. To keep the leather soft and supple, apply a leather conditioner every few months.
  • Avoid using (aggressive) chemicals or other household cleaners. These can damage the leather, causing discoloration or stiffness.